Sherman Cut to close Saturday for light replacement

The City of Hamilton issued the following news release today announcing a closure of the Sherman Cut Saturday from 8 a.m. until approximately 4 p.m. The access, which runs from Charlton Ave in the west to the Kenilworth Access in the east, will remain open as the Cut…

Pew's state of the news media 2012 brings good news for CHCH

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellent in Journalism released it’s annual state of the news media [] report this week. There is the expected and continuing [] decline of dead tree news. Newspaper companies are only seeing $1 for digital revenue…

Pew's state of the news media 2012 brings good news for CHCH

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellent in Journalism released it’s annual state of the news media [] report this week. There is the expected and continuing [] decline of dead tree news. Newspaper companies are only seeing $1 for digital revenue…

Hamilton's police chief says ombudsman misinforming public

Hamilton’s chief of police Glenn De Caire calls Ontario ombudsman Andre Marin’s report on the Special Investigation Unit ‘*Oversight Undermined’ *a “dramatic over simplification of complex issues” stating those who have not “read Overnight Undermined are uninformed, and those that have read it are misinformed.” The chief’s…

Hamilton's police chief says ombudsman misinforming public

Hamilton’s chief of police Glenn De Caire calls Ontario ombudsman Andre Marin’s report on the Special Investigation Unit ‘*Oversight Undermined’ *a “dramatic over simplification of complex issues” stating those who have not “read Overnight Undermined are uninformed, and those that have read it are misinformed.” The chief’s…

The helpful HSR operator

Saturday night, I travelled to the far north-east corner of Hamilton – Grays Rd and the QEW – for a Stag and Doe. Thanks to a helpful bus driver, I arrived early! My trip began at Dundurn and I needed to catch the 2-Barton bus downtown. Of course, this connection is impossible.…

Conducting open data communications workshop in Ottawa May 29th

I’m happy to announce that I’ll conduct a digital communications workshop for the public sector on May 29th in Ottawa as part of theDigital Communications for the Public Sector [] conference. The workshop will help prepare public sector communicators for the open…

Speaking at the University of Ottawa March 30th on open data

I’ll be at the University of Ottawa’s law school on March 30, 2012 as part of the Creative Commons Salon: Open Data [] panel discussing what open data means to in the professional world. I will be speaking as a journalist, joining Tracey…