Emails, Emails, and More Emails: Lent Change Idea?

I decided to do some email reviewing this week, basically how many emails I receive in a week, how many I spend, how many are purely work, how many are to friends. What I found was not surprising, I processed over 1000 emails in the week, about 100 of those…

Misplacing One of My Laptop Power Adapter

I'm sure I'll find it in the last place that I end up looking. I like buying refurbished IBM Thinkpads for my daily work laptops; they are reliable machines, I usually get three to four years out of a refurb, and they all use the same power adapter. The advantage…

Too Many People To Remember Them All

It seems only fitting that my personal blog returns to its roots as a place I explore my human experience. Tonight, I walked into the Mulberry Cafe, and there was a person sitting at the table across from the cash register who I recognized, my mind tells me I recently…

Sometimes you just really like a set of lyrics

"Well Orville Wright Set his sights High up in the air Him and Wilbur worked day and night He didn't seem to care Well the town folk said if you were meant to fly God would have given you wings What makes you want to spend all of your time…

An interesting day, a random personal blog post

Nothing went as I planned today, and my mind isn't shutting down. Hence, time for one of my rambling personal blog posts. I slept in, I have a flood of unexpected emails (including one that really surprised), tested my memory a bit, had some fun verifying my memory recall, and…

Coming Thursday in The Silhouette: My Follow-up to a 2009 Column

I won't give anything away, you can read it on Thursday. For those who read my work back in my early days as a journalist, you'll immediately recognize the column as an updated version of an argument I made repeatedly as an undergraduate: because students don't vote, they don't matter politically.…

Fun with HSR Operators During OMB Commutes

For the last week and an half of October, I was covering the Ontario Municipal Board hearing at Stoney Creek City Hall. This required taking the HSR multiple times each day. I stayed at a friends in Stoney Creek to significantly cut my commuting time each day by 30 minutes…