Photography, Challenge, Focus, and Fun

Still photography is one of my passions. I recently purchased a DSLR for my work on The Public Record, getting back into news photography after a six year hiatus. I love the challenge of trying to capture a moment, especially the effort that goes into framing, the focus that must…

The Simple Pleasure of Waving While Cycling

"Ding, Ding" and a wave, it's amazing how such a seemingly small thing can have a big impact on brightening the day. This evening involved a bike trip from my office downtown to the McMaster campus around 5pm. Along the way, every few blocks, a "Ding, Ding" and wave as…

Dave Hanley, Great Hamiltonian, Gone Too Soon

Devastating news tonight, as we learn of the sudden and unexpected death of Dave Hanley, who is widely known for his work organizing the great PopUp Hamilton events. When someone dies, especially someone as amazing has Dave, it is my practice to try and capture the person in words. Instead,…

Women as Honourary Colonels in the Canadian Forces

Colonel Dan Stephaniuk is the new Brigade Commander of the 32 Canadian Bridge Group, the army reserve brigade for the Greater Toronto Area. In a series of emails, "obtained" by Postmedia, Col. Stepaniuk orders the unit commanders of his 14 units to appoint women as Honourary Colonels of their regiments…

Don't Open that Email! Journalism and Click-Tracking

The US Government's Environmental Protection Agency is fighting an Associated Press journalist, and its getting ugly. One of the EPA's attacks on the journalist is his email opening history [] : "The Environmental Protection Agency is all over Michael Biesecker, a…