Which schools are the 1%

A news release [http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/news/sections/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsLang=en&newsId=20080501005666] touting research by ABI Research claims that 802.11n WiFi will be installed in 99% of colleges and universities in five years time. 802.11n is the newest variation in WiFi…

CASA and SSMU in court

*Maclean’s *has learned that the lawsuit filed by the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations(CASA) against the Student Society of McGill University(SSMU) is currently being argued before the courts. CASA is suing for $28,000 plus interest. CASA claims that the SSMU failed [http://oncampus.macleans.ca/education/…

Burlington city staff recommend against funding Mac MBA campus

City of Burlington staff are recommending [http://www.burlingtonpost.com/news/article/173673] their city council against giving McMaster University $10-million towards the construction of a campus for Mac’s MBA programs. Originally, the city of Burlington and McMaster reached a MOU to build a campus in downtown Burlington. The…

This blew my mind

The conference I attended Friday at Wilfrid Laurier’s Brantford campus included some food and drink during the scheduled breaks. During the last afternoon break, I needed caffeine and went for a cola. Imagine my shock when I saw a Coke and Pepsi beside each other. Cola choice, on campus,…

Peak student

We all know about "Peak Oil." What about "Peak Student?" For a few years now, it has been predicted that the number of young people in traditional university demographics will peak. This will result in either declining enrolment numbers or universities reaching out to non-tradition groups to maintain their enrolments.…

Who pays more than they owe?

The Beeb reports that British students are overpaying on their loans [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7382072.stm]. Seriously, I don’t understand how you overpay on loans. I also don’t understand who donate to the government by select that option on their tax returns.…

Another great article in the CSM

Stacy Teicher Khadaroo a staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor is  establishing herself as one of the best higher education reporters in the United States. She has been putting out amazing articles which are on topics not being covered in other American publications. This week, she writes [http://www.…