Kelly Lamrock is a popular guy

Kelly Lamrock, New Brunswick’s Education Minister is a popular guy these days, just look at these letters to the editor [] for proof. My favourite is the letter by Amit Virmani stating: "Did he [Kelly Lamrock] just check all that experience and will…

Another day at York University

Today, the bad press [] is directed at the student newspaper The Excalibur by the American right-wing publication Frontpage Magazine.…

Flooding at UWO

Staff and Students at the University of Western Ontario may want to pack a canoe along with their textbooks. The Western Gazette reports [] the university is suffering from flooding problems in its low-lying…

CFS gives itself a blowjob: The Muse

Sheena Goodyear, current editor-in-chief of the Memorial University student newspaper The Muse, has strong words for the Canadian Federation of Students with her editorial “CFS gives itself a blowjob [].” This suggests that the relatively amicable relations between the Canadian University Press and…

Someone give this guy an idiot award

According to MP Daryl Kramp, the federal government helped save First Nations Technical Institute. Cough, cough. Who’s Daryl Kramp anyways? He is backbench Conservative MP that nobody could pick out in a line-up. Actually, I doubt House of Commons security even know who he is. Regardless, Kramp must be…

Link dump

I read a lot of material. When I see something I want to blog about, I place it in a new tab in my browser. Here is a bunch of those links, some of which are old now: Rise of the prodigies: 50% increase in university students under 18 [http:…

This is a new argument

Things are getting interesting in Australia again. Two years into Voluntary Student Unionism and the new federal government is trying to figure out what to do in order to fulfill its promise to reverse VSU. The problem is that VSU is not widely unpopular nor is it widely popular, people…

Mud-slinging makes student politicians April’s fools

Amy Cox, deputy chairperson-elect of the National Graduate Caucus (CFS) and president of the Post-Graduate Student Society of McGill University, is the listed contact on a news release entitled “Graduate students not laughing with CASA” that went out Tuesday. The release, […