2015 City Budget Outlook: starting at over 3% tax increase

[https://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Hamilton_city_hall1.jpg] Hamilton’s new Council will start on the 2015 budget in January , and the preliminary budgetary pressures for next year add up to $22.6mil – or an over 3% tax increase. The City hopes to offset this partially with…

Strong Thunderstorms Arrives in Hamilton

[![US National Weather Service Radar Image at 11pm Sunday night showing strong band of thunderstorms heading towards Hamilton](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/radar-336x198.png)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/radar.png)US National Weather Service Radar Image at 11pm Sunday night showing strong band of…

Thank you Environment Hamilton

Environment Hamilton is a great asset to our community, vigilantly ensuring government lives up to its environmental commitments and calling them out when they don’t. The [“sweetheart deal”](http:// http://www.hamiltonnews.com/news/group-cries-foul-over-sweetheart-dofasco-pollution-deal/ ) given to ArcelorMittal Dofasco on air pollution for the next five years shows this…

Charges Pending in Scary Main/Victoria Collision

[![Charges Pending against driver of this vehicle involved in collision at Main and Victoria on July 5, 2014 (Joey Coleman)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/1404604117184-EFFECTS-336x448.jpg)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/1404604117184-EFFECTS.jpg)Charges Pending against driver of this vehicle involved in collision at Main…

Mayoral Candidate McHattie Launches "100 Day Neighbourhood Tour"

[![Mayoral Candidate Brian McHattie shows off his new campaigning shoes. (Joey Coleman)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/IMG_20140702_105003-e1404366033812-140x140.jpg)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/IMG_20140702_105003-e1404366033812.jpg)Mayoral Candidate Brian McHattie shows off his new campaigning shoes. (Joey Coleman) Mayoral candidate Brian McHattie…

City's Disability Cmte to Take on DARTS during special meeting

Hamilton’s Disability Advisory Committee is holding a special meeting on Friday to deal with the ongoing crisis that is the City’s DARTS transportation service. Complaints on DARTS are at an all-time high, members of the Disability Committee shared numerous stories of poor service from DARTS, and the DARTS…

Hamilton Cycling Advisory Cmte [July 2 @ 5:30pm]

[![Concept of Cannon Bike Lane by Justin Jones](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/wvsDwkx-336x328.jpg)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/wvsDwkx.jpg)Concept of Cannon Bike Lane by Justin JonesHamilton’s Cycling Advisory Committee meets to discuss how to build Hamilton’s bike lane network by…