Hamilton Economic Summit [Replay]

The Hamilton Economic Summit is being held today at The Scottish Rite starting at 1pm and continuing until 5:30pm. Live audio will begin at 1pm, and I will broadcast video for the 4:15pm keynote address by former Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy, which is followed by a panel discussion.…

ArtsVote Hamilton All Candidates Debate [Replay]

[![James Street Art Crawl en Focuso - Hamilton by Dan Zen (https://flic.kr/p/8seKaf)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/4891407916_87deaacef6_b-771x509.jpg)](http://joeycoleman.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/4891407916_87deaacef6_b.jpg)James Street Art Crawl en Focuso – Hamilton by Dan Zen (https://flic.…

General Issues Committee - Development Charges [Replay]

Council meets as GIC today and they’ll have to decide on a delegation request from Norm Dorr, father-in-law of the late Steve Mesic, to address them on June 18th in regards to lapel cameras for police officers.After this, the big item of the day will be the 2014…

Hamilton Planning Committee for June 3, 2014

Two heritage designations, a new phase of a sub-division, a condo conversion, and a new parking ticket court are the primary items on the first Planning Committee meeting of June.Council will vote on starting the process to designate the Kenilworth Library as a heritage building, and a housekeeping amendment…

Special HWDSB Meeting: East Hamilton School Closures [Live at 6pm]

Trustees of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board will vote on a proposed closure of four East Hamilton (Ward 4) schools: Parkdale, Rosedale, Roxborough Park, and Woodward tonight.The vote comes only a week after Trustees decided against school closures in Flamborough and East Hamilton parents will be gathering on the…

City's Downtown Heritage Meeting Tuesday June 3rd NOT Wednesday June 3rd

The City of Hamilton mailed invitations to hundreds of downtown homes for an important meeting on the Downtown Built Heritage Inventory Project for Wednesday June 3rd, sparking some confusion – is the meeting on the Wednesday or June 3rd – the Tuesday? Residents calling the contact number provided by the City on…

Hamilton Public Works Committee for June 2, 2014

It should be a quick meeting of the Public Works Committee with a series of housekeeping items, a presentation by Michelle Martin of the Community Access to Transportation project asking for funding, and staffing changes in the Public Works department to focus on the new waterfront development plan.Live video…

City Quickly Publishes Notice of Intent to Designate 1 St. James Place

The City of Hamilton moved quickly after the emergency session of the Heritage Committee on Thursday to publish the notice of intent to designate 1 St. James Place as a heritage building. The Ontario Heritage Act requires the City to have the notice “published in a newspaper having general circulation…