Fighting Adjectival Bloat

John McIntyre of The Baltimore Sun writes on how journalists use language. Primarily, he focuses upon grammar and style. As one of those journalists whose grammar is ruinous, I read McIntyre's writing wondering what it be like to work in journalism thirty years ago when there were copy editors. [Putting…

Bill 156: The Ag Gag Law

A good piece on J-Source explaining how Ontario's "Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act" is a threat to good journalism [] . > On June 10, the Canadian Association of Journalists released a statement […

Good for a Laugh

Enjoyed the parody "A Message from Your University's Vice President for Magical Thinking [] " especially the following passage: > After measuring classrooms and examining our antiquated ventilation systems, our staff (those who haven’t been furloughed) reports that there’s absolutely no way our already scheduled…

FOI Ruling in Niagara With an Interesting Twist

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake fought against releasing the "minutes of a particular meeting between four named individuals" which involved the town's chief administrative officer and mayor meeting with two undisclosed individuals. The Town tried to claim solicitor client privilege. The IPC ruled against the town's claim of privilege over this…

Humour and COVID: Not Sure How They Mix

Today I intent was to be light-hearted, but it definitely did not work. A person I like walks into a small shop, I joke that he is one too many people, the person in front of him in his group tries to leave. I quickly explained I was engaging in…

Apollo 13: 50th Anniversary

I listened intently to the National Geographic vinyl record of the Apollo 11 as a child in the late 1980s; space was a frontier humanity was going to colonize by 2020. I was memorized by the story of Apollo 11, only to later learn of Apollo 13; the "successful failure"…