Podcasts and the Slow Democracy Movement

I've been thinking a lot about how to create an informed local municipal-focused civic affairs discussion for years; it's one of the primary goals of my journalism. Podcasting provides the opportunity to do so, and Lawrence Lessig conveys many of the ideas I'm considering on his blog [https://medium.com/…

Age Shall Not Wear Them, Nor The Years Condemn

These words carry greater meaning for me with each passing year; as I watch my friends who served and came back age, yet those who did not return remain frozen in time. I look back on photos of some of those friends who I was fortunate enough to train with…

The Post Sitting on The Couch

I never watched FRIENDS consistently in the 90s, never downloaded and binge watched during the 00s when I finally watched all those late 90s shows I wanted. I've started watching from the start, since FRIENDS trivia is a thing presently, and my friends teenage children regularly make pop culture reference…

Coffee Meet-up Overload

I managed to get a lot of writing done last night, the challenge is that the posts I'm writing are still not complete. Sigh. I'm continuing to pick up my pace post-election, the challenge now is that I'm finding myself juggling many coffee meet-ups, and not finding time for writing.…

The Post-Election Rut

It's two weeks after the municipal election, and I have yet to re-establish my routine. The best explanation I have for this is that for the first week, I had to catch up on all the things I didn't do for seven weeks, all the people I didn't see for…

20 Years Later: Matthew Shepard Finally Buried

There wasn't any openly gay students in my early years of high school, and when I graduated in 2001, only one openly gay student. In my first years of high school, I had no awareness of homophobia. Like many of my peers, we made homophobic jokes and taunts at each…

The Lost Interview MicroSD Card Story

Today's been a day of a big low, and a great break with neighbourhood friends this evening. I may as well start with the low. What happened could be a Seinfeld episode - I finish my last interview for The 155 Podcast. The interview is recorded in my office, and…

My Thoughts on Solo: The Movie

Finally took the time to watch Solo: A Star Wars Story this evening as I sorted papers and cleaned up a Facebook list. I've enjoyed both of the stand-alone Star Wars stories, especially Rogue One. (The new Trilogy, not so much, and even the recent comics have disappointed me) The…