Joey's Not-So-Daily List of Readings for February 17, 2017

My not so-daily sharing of links from across the WWW In no particular order: 1. OMB Reform: Contested development | Toronto Star [] - the first of a three-part series by The Toronto Star about the Ontario Municipal Board. 2. Idea: An Indivisible guide for journalism…

A World We Have Lost Saskatchewan Before 1905

Reading... Bill Waiser's 717 page book is outside my usual reading, a look at the history of what is today's Saskatchewan before the province was founded. Hopefully, I'll be able to find the time to complete it. Borrow it from the Hamilton Public Library. […

Dunkirk: Retreat to Victory

Reading... Looking forward to completing Major General Julian Thompson's book on how the BEF's spectacular and unexpected success in escaping Dunkirk in 1940 was essential to the Allied victory in 1945 - despite leaving all their equipment and supplies behind. Borrow from the Hamilton Public Library […

Secret Life: The Jian Ghomeshi Investigation

Toronto Star reporter Kevin Donovan shares his behind-the-scenes view of the journalistic investigation which finally brought down CBC's golden boy Jian Ghomeshi. I know two people who Ghomeshi assaulted, both of them telling me of his behaviour in 2008 and 2009. The book gives more perspective on the behinds the…

Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt

Sarah Jaffe of The Nation looks at the grassroot movements rocking the American political discourse on both the left and right during the past decade. With on the ground accounts of these movements, from Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party, to BlackLivesMatter, Jaffe takes us closer to the movements that…