I love the CFS

I think that is what they want me to say. Anyway, I got a phone call on my personal cell tonight from a 613 area code number. I answer, figuring that I am getting a call back on a Parliament Hill story I am chasing. Turns out it was the…

CFS loses Referendum at Concordia

The Canadian Federation of Students overwhelmingly lost a locally run, fair referendum at Concordia.  The CSU has the results on their site [http://www.csu.qc.ca/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=5&pid=221], included in the question: > Concordia Student Union 2007 Referendum Results Q1 – Are you…

I Love Mackay Cartoons

I always look forward to Mackay’s cartoons in the Spectator. Frankly, it is the best part of the Spectator to me. I always get a good chuckle or am made to think about the subject matter when I see his cartoons. This is his latest: [http://www.mackaycartoons.net]…

Moving My Blogging Activities on Student Politics

Hey Everyone, I am moving most of my student politics blogging over to Macleans where I am now blogging as well. Bookmark the site: http://forums.macleans.ca/advansis/?mod=for&act=dis&eid=54 [http://forums.macleans.ca/advansis/?mod=for&act=dis&eid=54] The RSS feed is:…

The Long Night of Counting Sheep, I Mean Votes

Tonight, at least three students’ union (that I know of) finished voting today and are in the process of tabulating the results: the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union [http://www.ussu.ca/], Simon Fraser Students’ Society [http://www.sfss.ca/], and the York Federation of Students [http://www.yfs.ca/…

StudentUnion.ca obtains DSU Case Court Documents

Titus Gregory, who blogs at www.studentunion.ca [http://www.studentunion.ca/], today posted most of the court documents from the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the matter of Society of the Douglas Students’ Union v. Douglas College.  He paid over $300 in photocopy costs in order to obtain…

Ontario Budget Today

I will be offline during the afternoon and early evening today.  I do not expect to be back online until after 10pm EDT.  I will try to post on the budget tonight.  I will be speaking to the President of OUSA and the Chair of CFS-O tonight.  I will be…