The Ontario Election: What It Could Mean in Hamilton

Ontarians have elected a Liberal majority to lead the province. What does this mean for Hamilton? The biggest change will be oversight of City Hall by Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin if the Liberals pass Bill 179 as they promised prior to, and during, the campaign. On LRT, we’ll need…

Hamilton Farmers' Market SubCmte for June 2014

It could be the last meeting of the Hamilton Farmers’ Market Sub-Cmte as they pass a recommended bylaw to make the Downtown Hamilton market into a separate municipal not-for-profit corporation.The new market will be overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of 11 members: * Four stallholders (two of whom…

Hamilton City Council for June 11, 2014 [Live at 5pm]

It should be a quick Council meeting tonight with only one controversial item on the agenda – a motion by Ward 3 Councillor Bob Morrow to relook at a partnership with the public school at the Scott Park site.Morrow is hoping to secure the same deal for his Ward as…

Ojo's Farmers Market Facing Zoning Challenge

Ancaster’s popular *ojo eat local *farmers’ market [] recently expanded at 1632 Wilson Street West, receiving a provincial grant [] in the process. Now, the market faces a zoning challenge. The market is operating on Prestige Industrial lands that are not zoned…

HWDSB to vote on Central Mountain School Closures [Live Monday 6pm]

What will be the future of Hamilton’s Central Mountain elementary schools?With Trustees fully into election season, the normal ARC process is out the windows with Trustees voting for school changes that will require the new City Council to provide funding to build new joint school and community centres.…

City of Hamilton's annual budget $5mil over due to Winter and Ice Storm

[]The City’s projecting a $5-millon dollar end of year tax supported budget deficit for 2014 after the cold winter and December ice storm blasted a $8-million dollar hole in the Public Works budget. $1.3-million of the $8-mil is…

Hamilton Community Foundation Launches New Website

[![The new HCF website](]( new HCF websiteThe Hamilton Community Foundation has a [new domain](, website, and logo.Launched this week as the HCF celebrates its 60th…

Special Live Coverage of D-Day Commemoration at HMCS Haida [Replay]

[] 70 years ago, June 6, 1944, the balance of freedom hung in the balance as over 150,000 men landed on the beaches of Normandy [] in France – D-Day.…