Municipal Heritage Permit Review hearing on James Baptist Partial Demolition

[![James Street Baptist Church](]( Street Baptist ChurchThe Municipal Heritage Permit Review Sub-Committee meets at 5pm today for what should be their final review…

More Transparency Coming at City Hall - Agendas to Be Available Online

Culture Change is under way at City Hall with a Council sub-committee approving a staff idea to once again post Council agendas on the Friday prior to meetings. Council’s Governance sub-committee disbanded the infamous “Accountability and Transparency” sub-committee before hearing a delegation from myself, Joey Coleman, on accountability and…

City Motor Hotel's future being mapped at Development Review Committee

[![City Motor Hotel](]( Motor HotelThe City Motor Hotel demolition is nearing completion, with only clean-up remaining. Meanwhile at City Hall, staff are meeting today to…

95 King Street, the former strip club, work almost complete

Work on the artist live-work spaces at 95 King Street East in Downtown Hamilton is “over 95% complete” confirms the City’s housing department. During a conversation in the lobby of City Hall, Councillor Farr and City staff discussed the project and answered questions from your ever-present reporter. The construction…

Golf Gear You're Not Using or Replacing? Kids Can Use It!

Have spare golf gear you’re not using? Maybe you’re planning to replace your current gear. The City with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Hamilton and Burlington are holding an equipment drive to collect golf gear for a youth program that will give kids the opportunity to learn…

Committee of Adjustment - October 24, 2013

The Committee of Adjustment will hear 11 variance requests on October 24 [] . Of these, two are of potential interest – a residential care facility looking to expand in Ward 3, and a new development in Stoney Creek’s Valley Park…

Coverage for Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Good afternoon everyone. I’m going to cover two meetings today. We’ll start at the Emergency & Community Services Committee at 1:30 p.m. to cover the delegation of Brian Duxbury who is representing Residential Care Facilities in regards to their municipal subsidies. The delegation is at 1:30pm…